A typical idiotic thing I think is sick funny is when myself / people around me singing the wrong text to the songs. Especially if it handar swim if felhörningar that man is totally bombproof and thus humming errors in YEARS. Sit back, relax and feel you smart in comparison. 1. When me and Ellinor got to know each other ten years ago, we bonded inter alia that both of our respective bandom thought Cat Stevens sang "The first God is the DJ," and when we were told that the song is actually called and goes "The first cut is the deepest "felt disappointment. Not nearly as profound after all. 2nd My brother swim Scamp thought as a child that Bob Dylan sang "Tralala little Pontus, come here, you get a kiss!" 3rd It is actually much more fun if 90s Dangan Narcotic by Liquido goes "And I called your name ... MICHAEL swim CAINE" in place of "my cocaine". 4th
6. Michael Jackson. I do not know how you feel but I NEVER hear what he sings. Do not stop til you get enough as well, we hear JUST right title stanza, the rest you get as well as sing with mumble. Try it. I dare you. Another telling example:
We are a brunette, blonde and a redhead who besides different hair colors have different pursuits but quite similar swim interests. One of us is new exad journalist who is stuck in LAS hell and the best people to fill a basket with Adlibris. One is environmental policy expert (read: student) and matnörd of rank who knows everything about Spiderman. And an almost-engineer with a passion for drawing swim (and pat) cute animals. Together we have a blog.
2014 (8) March (3) February (2) January (3) 2013 (51) November (3) January (6) August (3) July (7) Example 7. holding two fingers up to yesterday The first sound is the DJ Dear Daily Mail aka Women portrayed always so ... Example 6. And I say: HEY! WHAT'S GOING ON!? The urge June (7) May (2) April (3) March (4) January swim (6) January (10) 2012 (108) December swim (15) November (18) October (6 ) September (5) August (2) July (4) June (13) May (16) April (22) March (7)
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