Saturday, February 28, 2015

Posted by Marian Popescu on June 5, 2012 in International Law, Thoughts | 0 comments Nemo plus iuri

The right to self-determination is Ius Cogens (first part) |
Posted by Marian Popescu on June 5, 2012 in International Law, Thoughts | 0 comments Nemo plus iuris ad alium transferre potest quam ipse habet (No one can transfer to another more rights than he has.).
This applies to the United Nations, which according to the Times, in whose preparation and signing was attended by Sairus Vance, Greece and transferred the right to negotiate with Macedonia's right to self-determination.
According to Article 1, paragraph 2 and Article 55 of the UN Charter, the right to self-determination is ius cogens for this most important human right must not negotiate any UN Macedonia, let alone have the right to Greece to pass right to negotiate with Macedonia the right to self-determination.
"Dnevnik" running on 29. 05. 2012. Schulz said Christian Ehlers told "Deutsche Welle" that the solution of the problem can not be cut with the right to self-determination.
Thus, the EU for the first time accepted the transfer of unfairness, which we did a few columns at the expense of the EU, warning that in the preamble of primary EU law states that the provisions of the UN Charter take precedence over the provisions of EU primary law. And by the UN right to self-determination they put in Article 1 of the Charter clearly told that it is the most important collective human right.
Of course that of someone with a hundred miles an hour ride in the wrong direction, it is first necessary to prikochi. running But when braking strongly vehicle continues to move in the wrong direction for a while. When finally the vehicle stop, the driver who has been told that driving in the wrong direction; hole card required target determines where and steers in the right direction to reach.
"And as the Olympic competitions crown of victory did not receive najlichnite strongest, but only those who compete (only some of them can win), and in life beautiful and graceful enjoy only those who act properly. "[1]
We since 2009 compete with government lawyers. After "Chicago", we can safely say that the crown of glory belongs to us, not the government running lawyers. Now all is clear that government lawyers led by Dr. Deskoski lost to us. It takes a little time for everyone to realize that we had won. That means that we are proposing to win Macedonia, which is the right to self-determination, only managed to secure running victory. running The wreath of glory belongs to us.
And this problem is solved. Council of Europe running and the EU have issued three resolutions on lustration. Because running UDBOMAFIJATA not allow Macedonians to see the translation of these resolutions, we Macedonians refer to two clean sources. It is about two victims of UDBOMAFIJATA.
The first is more. Stojan Ristevski, who received running his file and wrote a book about their informers running and their actions. This book ("My informers", Macedonia prima, Struga, 2001) can serve as a textbook for writing good lustration law.
Second Jordan Petrovski. He is a victim after independence. Has received the "deed" in Canada (democracy) that Macedonia is a democratic state, or political asylum. The text of his site can be used as a teaching tool for writing good lustration law.
Without Macedonians to drink water from these two pure sources can not understand the importance of lustration. This, it is important to win UDBOMAFIJATA, which does not allow Macedonia to realize the right to self-determination. Now Macedonians drink water from a tap (Andov, the Constitutional Court, the changes to the Government), instead of two clean sources (Dr Ristovski and Petrovski).
Greece used UDBOMAFIJATA as Philip II once used certain structures to realize its interests in Athens. He was saying that there are no such walls as a donkey loaded with gold can not skip.
It seems that, if done something good Grueski great parry the attack with the monument of Alexander of Macedonia, with the magnificent way zabetonira our cultural identity as a people.
[1] In kakor pri olimpijskih tekmah ne dosežejo venca zmage najlepši in najmočnejši, ampak le tisti, ki tekmujejo (samo nekateri izmed teh lahko zmgajo), tako tudi v življenju lepo in dobro uživajo le tisti, ki pravilno delajo (Aristotel, Nikomahova etika , Slovenska matica, Ljubljana, 2002, stran 62, prevel MP).
External Advisor Tatyana Petrusevska Dr. Tatyana Petrusevska is a professor of public international law, law of international organizations, law of international tribunals, diplomatic and consular law, multilateral diplomacy, multilateral diplomacy and the United Nations ,, right of the European Union, common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union and the


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Mountain "Galichitsa" is located in the national park "Galichitsa" which was founded in 1958. is registered in UNESCO. Usually scaling Galichitsa top end of "donkey" which is not the highest peak of the mountain, you can climb to the village. Pest located on the shore of Lake Ohrid at about 750 meters above sea level, there has a good track with old markings. The trail begins with a gentle climb, the monastery indoor soccer shoes turns left and then enter the marked trail in the woods, then out of the asphalt road in Yarrow Yarrow otkaj tap tap is on the way to the saddle (the saddle can actually come with a car after road leading through the village of Ohrid. Trpejca towards St. Naum, swerving around 2 km after Trpejca left - it's actually indoor soccer shoes the road goes through Galichitsa and are connecting the two lakes), and here you turn right toward the barracks where again starts signalisation and reach the top "Donkey".
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Friday, February 27, 2015

Every morning I wake up with this thought: to become better. Once live, and it is necessary to seiz

Every morning I wake up with this thought: to become better. Once live, and it is necessary to seize the opportunity it gives us fate. If you have problems, each of them will find its solution. The most important thing is not to give up! Your strength is in your head. Do not give up their dreams, wisel although there was no escape. Do not lose faith in him, the important thing is to believe, and then get out and fulfill your dream. I lost thousands of times, but in a million won. Often fall down, but stood up. I got a precious gift, and I am lost. God gives steel character, but who choose the path alone. Our world is cruel, no right to break. After all - we are the best. Be strong and to kill our faults. Then climb to the top. Never give up, do not let me break. I hope that you will be better. Being the best does not mean that you will always win. To be the best, should not deviate from the path. I chose this life forever. In heaven, I hope will be complete. I believe in God, but I believe in God you ?! Blisters on the hands, not a lack of love and care. But at the expense of breaking a palm blood. I from you differed fire chest. And I am improving day by day. Yes, I am sick. Sick I'm only in this. Doctors let forbid, will say 'no'. After all, I do not care, let him die the disease. Remains out of my life forever.
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Thursday, February 26, 2015

There are many such in the world, son of mars because of the shame of people to not come out to be

Home For those who take texts for us theologians of XIX-XX century Archimandrite Placidas (Dezej) Metropolitan Nikolai Mesogijski and Lavreotikiski (Hadzhinikolau) Dioklijski Metropolitan Kallistos Ware Prepodobnomachenichka Skobcova nun Maria (1891-1945) Christian art and architecture of the Hagia Sophia - Wisdom of God Torrent New ascetics and priests
As when a man who is rich and noble family, will leave the cleared and orderly way and will redirect the Sweet transient and difficult son of mars places, and will fall into the hands of robbers, who after the catch, will take off beautiful clothes who holds and will wear the blood-stained rags and dirt of any kind and will then leave his side, making it to collect them, eat and get drunk and do shameful acts, so as to be bandit them, and he would gladly sat in excessive eating to what would come in drunk and dirty deeds, and over time, naviknuvajkji son of mars on their predatory son of mars practices, will forever remain with them, forgetting their origin and previous noble and happy life, for that reason that it completely izladila early love of honest and noble traditions and this way of life - in the same way and even worse suffering and Christian who, abandoning the way in which Christians go, steers towards devil bespatie where he works by example, leaving the honest and industrious life, which was funded by his work and was satisfied with a little, loved life to world peace, and therefore began to go wrong with insults and deductions, and then comes up dirty and shameful adulterous affairs. Is not it obvious that this came upon the hands of demons and they disembarked his grace of Holy Baptism?
Evidence is the fact that it has taken the grace of Holy Baptism, which is its own recognition that no one wants to cut and cut off their pubic passion and desist, and to satisfy that passion to shameful deeds. And how many among us those unfortunates who are so unhappy, they are not aware and do not feel their poor position? However, we see that some among them to reach such a frenzy son of mars that dare to partake in pure Body and Blood of Christ priceless. What shamelessness and sebezaborav! Woe to the priest son of mars who gives those of the sacraments, and the hard one who communicate in such a state. It is this that communicate, because communicating is more shameful deeds, not purified by penance and epitimija, the more and more fall under the power of the devil, and eventually they completely conquer it; God such completely abandoned because of his shame and filth, and particularly for his impudence and shamelessness as Gospel witness to Judah, once tasted the bread which gave the Lord Jesus Christ at the Last Supper, that moment "after the bite Satan entered into him "(John 13.27). Woe to one such priest son of mars to receive Communion, because Communion is unworthy udostojuvaat with pure Body and Blood of Christ honest Savior and pass the one who is not worthy, not to cross the threshold of the temple of God, the one that every Christian is forbidden to eat ordinary son of mars food, as discerned apostle Paul, saying: "Do not associate with those who are calling brother remains immoral or koristoljubec, or an idolater, or hulnik, or a drunkard, or grabach, with such even to eat (1.Kor. 5.11). son of mars Can you see that the Christians son of mars that person really had no brother, but only so called.
He who gives such Secret rightly subject son of mars to condemnation, and because of the way, the man who is mistaken for a departure from the true thought and therefore frivolous negligence - it makes absolute enemy of God. The priest or spiritual father must not such to give the secret, but is obliged to send him to repentance with gentle words, mentioning his hellish torment those who inevitably have to have to experience sinners; obliged to senses and lead as lead the blind, and to pity him as someone who is not in good conscience and who suffer from violence and temptations of the devil, and prayed to the Lord to open his soul and to help at least a little to come to you and acknowledge your dishonesty, and again, through repentance, return among the faithful, because in this situation it is false and wicked. When he would quivering attitude and faith in Christ when he wholeheartedly confess that Christ is God who "wants lawlessness", where "the wicked will not appear before your eyes" (Ps. 5.4 to 5) I was frightened and I was careful not to communicate with his immaculate Mysteries with such frivolity, son of mars and therefore son of mars invisible to catch sword angel.
There are many such in the world, son of mars because of the shame of people to not come out to be unworthy, brazenly son of mars approached Glory Tie


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

photo cover Those who have had the opportunity to listen live argue that it is a brutal and well-

Regional music scene hardly boasts a number of bands playing post-rock, and those quality could probably count on the fingers of both hands. Man Zero play perfectly dosed combination of instrumental post-rock and nojz. Band with long service, but his firstborn publish until 2009. Telemark was recorded back in 2007, but then followed a period of two full years in which it has carefully produced, mix and polished ectomorfo by the band guru and Hrvoje Niksic. Masters is working in Chicago with Carl Staff, the man who boasts that he has worked with Xiu Xiu, Magnolia ectomorfo Electric Co., Acid Mothers Temple, but also with our Bernays Propaganda.
photo cover Those who have had the opportunity to listen live argue that it is a brutal and well- trained ectomorfo noisy band breaks up. On their debut are seven fairly long songs whose main feature is the standard dynamic changes between quiet and loud music. Bands playing post-rock often tend to be boring and monotonous, even at times and hard to listen, but Man Zero skilfully avoided this trap, creating a completely unpretentious ectomorfo compositions that gradually supplemented ectomorfo with new ingenious solutions. The lyrics ectomorfo intertwine a bunch melodic riffs, ambient music and manifold passages. And it all sounds incredibly enjoyable and clearly auditioning. Another thing that separates this album from the rest of course is music harmony ectomorfo and perfect harmony ectomorfo between the band members. The album opens strong Changing Places. ectomorfo It starts with aggressive introduction, and then as we can and to assume from its title, to take us into calmer ectomorfo waters ectomorfo where repeated melodic sections to complete calm. Following ectomorfo is extremely fragile and emotional 40 Acres and a Mule. Sport acts sleepy pace, but if you feel that you are closed eyelids, do not worry. Very quickly you wake powerful bass guitar which introduces the six-minute sound magic. ectomorfo A similar recipe is used with sympathetic ectomorfo Ennuyeux comme la pluie. This time, the band clearly steers towards nojzot and skillfully inserted into his music. Another great piece made. Below ambient The Life You Wanted, and it builds genius Nods of Approval, song can easily find a place on one of the albums of all those skapoplateni world post-rock bands. It starts quite undefined, but as time goes by the sound becomes ectomorfo stronger and strives for excellence. Once again I will repeat, song of world caliber.
photo under number six is Prošlost. Slightly different sensibility on what to listen now, but it is quite normal if we take into account that it occurred ectomorfo on the tracks of the song from the cult Croatian band Žak Fatalist. Shugejz and sound that goes back to the eighties. Mystical journey in time. Just because all I have listed is really hard to describe the beauty that has Telemark. Especially the final topic Echo of my cowboy boots, where the troika Elvis Box and joins Igor and Igor Pavlica (Rundek Cargo Orkestar, ectomorfo Jinx and Kawasaki 3P) on trumpet. ectomorfo It features and hidden track that begins with narration in English, to simply continue and minimalist. Perfect end to a mature and compact ectomorfo album. If you enjoy the music media want to define as post-rock, this album is definitely for you. Rate: 8.5 / 10 Artist: Man Zero Album: Telemark Date of publication: September 9, 2009 Producer: Hrvoje Niksic and Man Zero Publisher: Guranje s litice Track listing: 1. Changing Places - 6:20 2. 40 Acres and a Mule - 5:40 3. Ennuyeux Comme La Pluie - 4:59 4. The Life You Wanted - 6:45 5. Nods of Approval - 6:10 6. Prošlost - 9:33 7. Echo of My Cowboy Boots - 7:25 8. Searching for the E - 6:20
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Interfax reports that burned about 170 tons of heptyl, very toxic rocket fuel. The agency added tha

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News Macedonia Skopje Region World Economy Chronicle Sports Winter Games Football Basketball Handball Tennis motor sport Winter Sports Other Sports Video Pulp Fikshn Park Woman Beauty and Fashion Love and Sex Health My home Pets Disco Scene video library show biz Urban Life Books Art Cinematheque Recent Retro Retro cartoons Retro shows and series jordan 28 Retro Retro tracks your ads Park your Hyde Park Columns jordan 28 Interviews Photo Video Other interesting items Flipper jordan 28 Astro Horoscope by sign
Check out dis Women rule the social networks Posted at 12:28 As the people are born prejudices? Posted at 11:18 dates that men will certainly not be memorized Posted at 11:25 10 sounds that our grandchildren will probably never hear Posted at 10:47 These are the first pictures of our parallel world Posted at 11:40
Russian unmanned rocket, which was carrying into orbit three Glonass navigation satellites M crashed Tuesday just a few seconds after launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, RIA Novosti transfer.
State television Rossi-24 showed footage of what is seen rocket Proton-M as steers the trajectory 17 seconds after take-off and falls to the surface with a large explosion near the pad launched.
"According to initial estimates of the space base is not damaged and no casualties," the Kazakh space agency Kazkosmos, adding that the rocket fell on the territory of the base, as well as being released large quantities of propellant. jordan 28
Interfax reports that burned about 170 tons of heptyl, very toxic rocket fuel. The agency added that the Kazakh jordan 28 authorities consider evacuation of nearby settlements in the otherwise jordan 28 sparsely populated area of the country jordan 28 because of fears about the health of the population.
Proton-M rocket was supposed to put into orbit three satellites for navigation system Glonass-M. Russian television reported that the total value of the satellites is about 200 million US dollars.
The Russia of the satellite navigation system jordan 28 should be a competition of the US GSP plans to spend 9.1 billion dollars by 2020 ,. The development of the Glonass jordan 28 system planned otherwise in the time of the Soviet Union more than 40 years, jordan 28 was delayed due to the many problems with funding and suspicions of corruption and downs of missiles, including the explosion of 2010, which were also lost three satellites.
Agency RIA Novosti citing sources of cosmic rocket industry says that it is the first major accident in 2010 when pop applied suppress blocks DMM-03 in the composition of the carrier rocket Proton-M. It is also assumed that the cause of the accident may be an irregularity of the engine or system of guidance. Proton-M rocket was first tested back in 1960, and was originally conceived as an intercontinental missile to carry nuclear weapons.
After destroying the missiles of this type come to strained jordan 28 relations between Russia and the former Soviet republic of Kazakhstan which Moscow huge amounts hired Baikonur Cosmodrome. Therefore, the Russian authorities are preparing new raketodrom in Moscow.
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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

50. Biffy Clyro - Opposites [14th Floor] The absence of arrogance underscores that the composition

Top 50 foreign albums in 2013 [50-26] | Kulpop
Mainstream, whether it is reflected in polupopularni contractors or the extremely famous stars, is not the benchmark for music naprednost, reliability and quality basest. wild ones The background of the artists in this category never dissuaded me to hear, but it seems that moreover, the year in the top of the charts as it does not have interesting names and releases. Curiosity and openness, as they already are only important wild ones when it comes to discovering and listening, and thanks to them my godineshna list of best albums (compared with last year) is several wild ones rungs directed towards insufficiently known, countercultural scene . Maybe it is due to the growing gap between rich and poor that inspires bands to write more cruel and rebellious plates. Disclosure of the reasons for now I will leave aside and will announce the last 25 positions on the choice of the top 50 achievements study published in 2013.
50. Biffy Clyro - Opposites [14th Floor] The absence of arrogance underscores that the composition of the Opposites Levels contradictions and created unloaded wild ones and fresh alternative guitar album. If a counter-choice is it to be false, empty and Societe hip-revolutionary, I desire that Biffy Clyro not acted wrong themselves.
49. Dead in the Dirt - The Blind Hole [Southern Lord] flow Dead in the Dirt, appropriately titled The Blind Hole, not to deviate far from hardcore grajndkor-death mixture, but it is not a weakness. The fact that no raises eyebrows with unprecedented originality is not an advantage, but it is compensated for by the cruelty that simultaneously evokes chills wild ones born and fascination.
48. Skeletonwitch - Serpents Unleashed [Prosthetic] band based in Ohio recently wild ones combines the DNA code of the thrash-and-black wild ones metal, but the fifth study exercise is isprofilirano, thing and raised the ceiling. Listening and taking in to the tension and energy will start to peek under the table to do a bunch of snakes appeared.
47. VHÖL - VHÖL [Profound Lore] group has all the resources to sound like the eye looks latest smartphone, but the debut that evokes wild ones images of copied tapes instead wild ones of elegantly packaged chips networks. Their expression is metal with a base of black and Krasno-punk. On every level this circuit is made intelligently, emotionally and instrumentally impressive.
46. Power Trip - Manifest Decimation [Southern Lord] The heart of the collection is a thoroughbred hardcore, and its shell is diftarski thrash metal. It is not revolutionary, but is neither wild ones nostalgic. Power Trip write music and play as hardkorci eagerly, wild ones anxiously as punks and skillfully as metals, which resulted in the prvencheto admirably aggressive manifesto annihilated. 45. earthtone9 - IV [ET9] Besides guitars, najkultiviran wild ones aspect in earthtone9 - because of the color as a result of specific melody - has always been the voice of Carl Middleton. Recognizing the advantage and it nakalemuvajkji it to the exclusive sense of groove mix group created at the same time is smart, zapametliv and aggressive.
44. Oozing wild ones Wound - Retrash [Thrill Jockey] DigitalDJ album, but it's great because it is a catharsis, not copyright zastojanost obtained from hours and hours surveying what, how and where to put the compositions. Instead, the group strain their best and thus, through humor, the sekcira anger, mania progonetost wild ones and destruction in the modern era.
43. Unkind wild ones - Pelon Juuret [Relapse] As the translation of the title Pelon Juuret out, the last CD Unkind not try to comfort us, caress or embrace us on everything wild ones we see on the news, but with mumps us say the roots of fear. Did you see is a personal choice, but also a turning disk, it is impossible to pass the.
42. Thee Oh Sees - Floating Coffin [Castle Face] simplification, relatively speaking, here manifested as triumphant prizemnost. Pressing the tight fist of Floating Coffin, Thee Oh Sees beats and broken up the coffin in which float most frightening wild ones executioner of rockers. It is not any beer, barbecue, earnings, nor the number wild ones of visitors, wild ones but - oblivion.
41. Nails - Abandon All Life [Southern Lord] The tension is not news in Aplay aggressive audiostilovi instead rises exponentially to Nails it creates extreme ups and downs highlighted. So completely justifies thought fit in the title Abandon All Life - current time (way of) life to leave. Either we or nature for us to do. 40. Chelsea Wolfe - Pain Is Beauty [Sargent House] Kantavtorkata Los Angeles mainly relies on spells hidden in the voice that fantazerski door opens wide. Over, under and around it now brings traces of black metal (miniature and present), Electronics


Monday, February 23, 2015

All rights reserved. No part, text or author photography should not be displayed, reproduced or dis

It is about amateur attempt to convey the events taking place in grand Hollywood films, but here no funds with which they handled including: costumes, scenery, etc. That's why the film moves in the other direction and therefore steers to something else. It makes the movie seem filled with humor from the first to the last minute, including the fact that they all "grandiose" laughing tracharenja prominent events and personalities of Kumanovo dialect. The end products come with glow fade and only three friends, stuck in a comfortable sitting room, eat, smoke, drink and tracharat .. Clock two minutes in a room, which seamlessly in its intensity grows and eventually reaches its max. Without some significant actions, without changing these boots are made for walking the space, but with a dose of honesty. Because film roles and people who play no foreign names taken, but retain their own names, but it is any indication of how they would react in given circumstances of the film script.
It was that honesty is what is missing today, and there are open. Irrelevant in what light will show themselves, these boots are made for walking sometimes well before the world to show this in a negative light, but if it is sincere with discovering the maps you create art. Persistence in that show is also very important. Here the art of film tracharenjeto is that determines categorized film. The one who created this art in "Night" stick to his honesty, but shows and perseverance required to be accepted and others to go after what you yourself.
By the audience for the film, saying "Rekem case, something happened in doznicte 70's and early 80s cinemas in Skopje and happens again after 30 years: Sincere applause for the duration of the film! Unforgettable feeling which you back an hour and two minutes into the reality of everyday life today of what lies behind the fictional must!
Comment is a place for all amateur or professional artists who want to read and contribute something different to the Macedonian these boots are made for walking cyberspace, aims internet stage to show all the young "anonymous" or renowned artists and their works and considerations.
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In recent scandalous performance of the newly appointed ambassador to NATO, Martin Trenevski before

Martin rollersnakes Trenevski leave for Brussels. Ivanov, like the government, sees no obstacles for which new Macedonian Ambassador to NATO for 10 days would not appear in the workplace in the Alliance. From the presidential office, which more than a month signed a decree setting rollersnakes Trenevski ambassador, have no comment about his scandalous these Alliance nor its explanation with which he only confirmed his problematic views on the organization that will a country. ,, We think that the Foreign Ministry said yesterday - that seriously and is dedicated rollersnakes to achieving a top national priority Macedonia's membership in NATO, and it will continue rollersnakes to do so in the future, along with legally accredited Macedonian Ambassador to NATO - Martin Trenevski is enough and we remain of that statement ,, - say for alpha as president. Today's response from the head of state with frivolous statement yesterday the Prime Minister that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow ...
In recent scandalous performance of the newly appointed ambassador to NATO, Martin Trenevski before the Committee rollersnakes on Foreign Affairs, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski has sought to reassure the public claiming that it is not as it seems. He assured that the future diplomat in Brussels rollersnakes put it best, that it is inappropriate vocabulary rollersnakes and was not well enough understood. Therefore, the Prime Minister himself has announced Trenevski interview in which he will razjasnel things. If the logic of things should be expected that Trenevski you come up with these altered, however, it not only does not happen, but he sealed and their views, and government commitments. In Friday's rollersnakes interview given to the agency Makfax, he completely removed the masks with the conclusion that his attitude "is incorporated within the strategic objectives and priorities of the Government of the country's foreign policy in which NATO integration rollersnakes takes top spot." With diplomatic vocabulary and State Department and '...
Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski immediately withdraw Ambassador Martin Trenevski NATO asked opozoiciskata SDSM. With yesterday said he confirmed his scandalous anti - NATO and these again proved simple ignorance, say party .... Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski immediately withdraw Ambassador Martin Trenevski NATO asked opozoiciskata SDSM. With yesterday said he confirmed his scandalous anti - NATO and these again proved simple ignorance, according to the party. Cited three reasons why 1 September Trenevski should not leave the alliance. First, they say, is its anti-NATO sentiment. -Second, rollersnakes According to his statements, we can conclude that he does not know what is its function and where he allowed his authority rollersnakes as an ambassador, that there is no basic knowledge of the functioning of NATO, let alone its institutions rollersnakes and organization. Third, with its setting send a clear message to our allies and strategic partners. ...
SDSM asked Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski withdrawal of Macedonian Ambassador to NATO, Martin Trenevski yesterday after his interview with news agency "Makfax", which, according to them, reiterated the anti-NATO views. From the opposition SDSM consider setting Trenevski this feature, the Government seriously wanders traced to NATO and the will of the majority rollersnakes of citizens of NATO and the European Union. "For the good of all, for the sake of the future of this country, the best intentions call immediately withdraw Martin Trenevski long time. By placing Martin Trenevski not only insulted us as citizens of Macedonia, but also show that you are open against Macedonian membership in EU and NATO, "said Gordan Georgiev, SDSM. After requests SDSM reaction sounds and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It said that the MFA will continue serious and committed to work towards a top national priority - ...
Opposition Minister to withdraw rollersnakes from office Trenevski ambassador to NATO. Believes that its setting government seriously deviating from the Euro-Atlantic integration. "Mr. Gruevski yesterday repeated NATO anti thesis to show that you want through your new scandalous appointments as ambassador to the most powerful military-political rollersnakes structure to your formalized your anti-NATO rollersnakes and anti-EU policy, you have no choice, you must immediately pull Ambassador Martin Trenevski "said Gordan Georgiev, SDSM. Reaction mode - Trenevski remains Ambassador rollersnakes to NATO Foreign Ministry seriously and is dedicated to achieving a top national priority membership of Macedonia in NATO, and it will continue to do so in the future, along with legally accredited Macedonian Ambassador to NATO Martin


Sunday, February 22, 2015

Skopje SDSM asked Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski withdrawal of Macedonian Ambassador to NATO, Marti

Opposition Minister to withdraw from office Trenevski ambassador to NATO. Believes that its setting government seriously deviating from the Euro-Atlantic integration. "Mr. arthur george socks Gruevski yesterday repeated NATO anti thesis to show that you want through your new scandalous appointments as ambassador to the most powerful military-political structure to your formalized your anti-NATO and anti-EU policy, you have no choice, you must immediately pull Ambassador Martin Trenevski "said Gordan Georgiev, SDSM. Reaction mode - Trenevski remains Ambassador to NATO Foreign Ministry seriously and is dedicated to achieving a top national priority membership of Macedonia in NATO, and it will continue to do so in the future, along with legally accredited Macedonian Ambassador to NATO Martin Trenevski called authorities after opposition call. In their attempt to impose a different perception, discrediting the Trenevski ...
Skopje SDSM asked Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski withdrawal of Macedonian Ambassador to NATO, Martin Trenevski yesterday after his interview with news agency "Makfax", which, according to them, reiterated the anti-NATO views. From the opposition SDSM consider setting Trenevski this feature, the Government seriously wanders traced to NATO and the will of the majority of citizens of NATO and the European Union. "For the good of all, for the sake of the future of this country, the best intentions call immediately withdraw Martin Trenevski long time. By placing Martin Trenevski not only insulted us as citizens arthur george socks of Macedonia, but also show that you are open against Macedonian membership in EU and NATO, "said Gordan Georgiev, SDSM. After requests SDSM reaction sounds and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It said that the MFA will continue serious and committed to work towards a top national arthur george socks priority - ...
SDSM another two weeks with best cautioned that all actions of the Government's foreign policy suggest that Macedonia arthur george socks realize meaningful anti-NATO and anti-EU campaign, whose main sponsor is radical structures VMRO DPMNE. Then he invited the Prime Minister for a national public interest to disclaim anti NATO views of the new Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia in NATO, Martin Trenevski. He then promised that the public will get a personal explanation from under it "wrong" concept of the Trenevski. But instead, Martin Trenevski yesterday only confirmed his scandalous anti-NATO and these again showed ignorance of basic principles arthur george socks that the Alliance. arthur george socks He explains to work for something that the biggest laymen know that is impossible and implausible. Mr. Gruevski After yesterday's repetition of NATO anti thesis to show that you want through your new scandalous appointments arthur george socks as ambassador to the most powerful military-political organization in the world to ...
SDSM accused the government of deliberate anti-NATO and anti-EU campaign, whose main sponsor is radical structures VMRO DPMNE. "Martin Trenevski yesterday only confirmed his scandalous anti-NATO and these again showed ignorance of basic principles that the Alliance. He explains to work for something that the biggest laymen know that is impossible and implausible, "said a press briefing Gordan Georgiev, vice president of the party. Georgiev said that this government is the first serious wanders traced to NATO and the will of the vast majority of citizens of Macedonia's integration of the country into NATO and the European Union.
State Department raised voice about Martin Trenevski asking controversial newly appointed ambassador to do what they promised arthur george socks Prime Minister Nikola arthur george socks Gruevski, ie them to clarify their position with that of September 1 should leave NATO. Although Trenevski has not even under a tree, under a stone, its position still resonate arthur george socks in the State Department, where they were very surprised when I received a text with which he performed in Parliament. "State Department in Washington by surprise read platform Trenevski Martin, arthur george socks he presented to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and which seemed to be contrary arthur george socks to the public statements of the president and the prime minister, who reaffirmed arthur george socks the strategic goal of Macedonia joining NATO. The embassy will forward the document was delivered to us by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Washington and the US Mission to NATO ", said yesterday the US Embassy in Macedonia. "The Embassy has received instructions from the State Department to ...
The newly appointed Macedonian Ambassador to NATO, Martin Trenevski, whose appearance before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, of the public and the opposition arthur george socks dismissed it as scandalous, says that he had underestimated the risk of diff


Saturday, February 21, 2015

Where in the church? Garkata was mason or had several Garz free masons. Details will, but probably

Gary - forgotten and rediscovered beauty | Balkon 3
Pearl of Miak end .. unspoilt beauty of nature that makes you think and you can not decide on what season is beautiful lescon .. In this mountainous area just like grapes, lescon under the mountain Stogovo is strewn Miak village Gary.
To welcome a well from which water gushes, knowing that welcome all your wishes Garz first Garska River ... loud and powerful, you can hear it from any part of the village .. thunders !!!
The center of the village church. lescon Mary .. Small but beautiful .. Old approximately four centuries. It iconostasis made by garecot and superb wood carver Petre Filipovski Garkata. One of the most Garz, known for top iconostasis who worked in the monastery of St. John the Baptist, Church of St. Saviour in Skopje, and many, many other churches lescon and monasteries that have worked in the Balkans.
Where in the church? Garkata was mason or had several Garz free masons. Details will, but probably not, so Garz are actually lescon very smart people. The church still something .. bone of a saint who helped many, so they say .. Bones premivaat water, and that water wash ... ill health use and healthy. Which saint bones nobody knows, but it is known that the miraculous bones helped many.
The center of the village and shop, and above it a few rooms dobronamernicite who want to spend a day in the village. Ores, in the village recently opened and complex with four apartments. How to start and develop alternative tourism. It is not excluded hospitality also offer a garec and impression to fall out even more complete. Do no way to avoid the far ian famous sheep cheese ..
Gary is surrounded by Baci what exactly the old-fashioned way make cheese .. If still get walking to one of Baci, which are high in the mountains, the local masters will give you bread baked under sac and cheese and sheep's milk. Do not overdo it, too qualities and fat belly can you speak.
On the right side amidst Garska River beauty of nature, as silent guardian lescon of the village. High rises on a rock which was named "High Rock". And there are many, many more to talk about Gary, but still need to see this Miak village and experience the nature around him. Hospitality will be lacking, and many Garz can you tell from the development of the village to their Gacko and experiences lescon to Shanghai which Dimko time as a worker got furthest, even to China, but the truth is that Gary is at any moment excellent choice for relaxation, away from the city noise.
Author: Balkon3 Other articles by the same author: Share NESCAFÉ 3in1 for Valentine's Day FIRST "Iron" lady from Macedonia International lescon Competition for Schools: To encourage solidarity! Winter march - weekend of mountain Boza and orchis: Najdobri drinks for cold winter nights
It might interest you ... and Winter march - weekend of mountain Ilina Arsova - Samurai between mountain peaks FILM WHEN GOING TO GREEK ISLANDS Boza and orchis: Najdobri drinks for cold winter nights

11 C
What is your favorite good?
Anastasia - Pass Over
Balcony 3 serves as a common cultural platform lescon between the three countries neighbors, Greece, Turkey and Macedonia. Contains articles and videos about different cultural issues and topics that come from these three countries: tourism, sports, art, gastronomy, music, film, literature, natural beauty, undiscovered places, theater and more.


The case is Kukocki family-historical saga in the best traditions of Russian, but also of any other

Case Kukocki | Reper
Everyone enjoyed and enjoy the Russian classics, works of great Dostoevsky, running fred Tolstoy, Bulgakov, Nabokov, is facing a new size of the beautiful Russian literature. Modern novels Lyudmila Ulickaja translated into 25 languages, attract readers from all over the world.
In its highly regarded Kukocki case, everyone will find, as a fun way to include the most current topics of today. Kinship, the medical profession, genetic engineering, scientific experimentation, conception, ingenuity, motherhood, shaping the fetus, walk against social norms, growth, childhood, adoption, paternity, abortion, treatment beslodnost, are part of the painful issues covered here .
The novel poses important questions: where human freedom ends, whether the individual has the right to decide how to deal with their own life, how to be in harmony with the world. This is a wonderful example of how through a family can show the whole society of a particular running fred era.
Lyudmila Ulickaja (1943) is one of the most important contemporary Russian writers, otherwise running fred biologist geneticist by training. Became known as the screenwriter. She started publishing running fred in 1983. Since its numerous works have been translated into twenty-five languages. According running fred to the novel case Kukocki in Russia running fred recorded TV-series. The novel case Kukocki Ulickaja became the first female winner of the Russian running fred "Booker Prize".
Persistent disputes about which area should accommodate books Lyudmila Ulickaja (is it "mass culture claim" or so-called "high literature") does not change anything to the fact that it is - if not the classic new wave of Russian literature then one of the most important writers of modernity, the first woman to receive the award "Russian Booker".
The case is Kukocki family-historical saga in the best traditions of Russian, but also of any other realism. The slow progress of linijskoto telling steers even second - timeless and vonprostoren - part of the novel, but it mystical poluotkrovenie Kukocka Helen, the wife of the hero, seems quite in the spirit of the whole atmosphere of the work. Ulickaja gives the general principle of beletristichkoto expression and creates work with a pitagorovska "length without breadth." And if. That's good.
The basis of the crisis of family running fred Kukocki the fall of the Russian empire and degenaracijata the whole nation: the Second World War, the so-called process against "doctors-killers" in the Soviet Union, the struggle with cosmopolitanism, repression funeral of leader and other "inventions" of the era. The relationship between the history of a country and the chronicle of a family running fred in the novel as a dotted line that marks the transition from private to general, and the one and the other side all leads to one thing - exhaustion and death. Thus, the words of the hero of the novel sound like kind of diagnosis of the time in which we live, "gangrenous break with hemorrhage in the muscles, petechial rash. The history of the disease does not respond to anything. There intoksinacija. Infusion, for which we write, was not given. I have searched the veins ... I guess I did not take any measures to treat. But now it is not about that. In your maternity hospital have - hepatitis. "
The book poses important questions: where human freedom ends, whether the individual has the right to decide running fred how to be in harmony with the world. Moreover, this is a wonderful example of how through the life of a family can show the whole society of a particular age ... The author of the novel "The running fred case Kukocki" does not impose its own view of the world and refrain running fred from any assessments. The only lesson that allows his to give between rows - Keep loved. The reader should draw conclusions. The book should be read quickly, but the opinion, dwelling in past times which always running fred re-hide an eternal questions.
Her works - not even detective novels we read boulevard. They belong to the right if you want high literature that longs thinking reader. Unsurprisingly professionalism and skill of the author to find the boundary between running fred "medical running fred terminology" speech and literature, excellent build sujet line to perform naturally scientific conclusions level of philosophical notions ...
Language Ulickaja easily down to the level of a formula of the code; in one sentence reflects the style of the writer. Her tongue act according to the principle of family quarrels, when talking to family members in the years zavintuvaat in you, swivels as drill - hum, jachat, bored - until I find that already running fred fully sostoish of those words.
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Friday, February 20, 2015

The only way to find happiness is learning the faith that came Prophet of Allah, Muhammad AS The mo

The path of Allah is the right time | True Path
"Know that there is no god but Allah ...": I'll make life impossible. The wife replied calmly: You can not do it. He said: Why? She said it: Yes there was happiness in money and gold, you can deprive me of them but luck is in a place where you have no control there. I find happiness in my belief and my belief in the heart and on it nobody will supremacy except my Lord.
This is true happiness, the happiness of belief and no one can feel this happiness than he whose heart, mind and soul is filled with love for Allah. He who controls the fortune is true God, so, search ja happiness Him obozhavajkji the serving.
The only way to find happiness is learning the faith that came Prophet of Allah, Muhammad AS The moment you will find one this time, will play a major role in whether mike will made it they live or barn street, he will be satisfied with a crust of bread and will be the happiest man in the world. But who deviate from this path, let them know that your entire life will be full of bitterness, his wealth deprivation, his efforts fruitless until his end would be an understatement.
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Recent Posts Way of Allah, Muhammad is the right time is the most common name in England mike will made it and Scotland Tomb, view from inside This is Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Why do Christians worship donkey instead of the cross
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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Opposition Minister to withdraw from office Trenevski ambassador to NATO. Believes that its setting

Prime Minister Nikola anthracite Gruevski immediately withdraw Ambassador Martin Trenevski NATO asked opozoiciskata SDSM. With yesterday said he confirmed his scandalous anti - NATO and these again proved simple ignorance, anthracite say party .... Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski immediately withdraw Ambassador Martin Trenevski NATO asked opozoiciskata SDSM. With yesterday said he confirmed his scandalous anti - NATO and these again proved simple ignorance, according to the party. anthracite Cited three reasons why 1 September Trenevski should not leave the alliance. First, they say, is its anti-NATO sentiment. -Second, According to his statements, we can conclude that he does not know what is its function and where he allowed his authority as an ambassador, that there is no basic knowledge of the functioning of NATO, let alone its institutions and organization. Third, with its setting send a clear message to our allies and strategic partners. ...
SDSM asked Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski withdrawal of Macedonian Ambassador to NATO, Martin Trenevski yesterday after his interview anthracite with news agency "Makfax", which, according to them, reiterated the anti-NATO views. From the opposition SDSM consider setting Trenevski this feature, the Government seriously wanders traced to NATO and the will of the majority of citizens of NATO and the European Union. "For the good of all, for the sake of the future of this country, the best intentions call immediately withdraw Martin Trenevski long time. By placing Martin Trenevski not only insulted us as citizens of Macedonia, but also show that you are open against Macedonian membership in EU and NATO, "said Gordan Georgiev, SDSM. After requests SDSM reaction sounds and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It said that the MFA will continue serious anthracite and committed to work towards a top national priority - ...
Opposition Minister to withdraw from office Trenevski ambassador to NATO. Believes that its setting government seriously deviating from the Euro-Atlantic integration. "Mr. Gruevski yesterday repeated NATO anti thesis anthracite to show that you want through your new scandalous appointments as ambassador to the most powerful military-political structure to your formalized your anti-NATO and anti-EU policy, you have no choice, you must immediately pull Ambassador Martin Trenevski "said Gordan Georgiev, SDSM. Reaction mode - Trenevski remains Ambassador to NATO Foreign Ministry seriously and is dedicated to achieving a top national priority membership of Macedonia in NATO, and it will continue anthracite to do so in the future, along with legally anthracite accredited Macedonian Ambassador to NATO Martin Trenevski called authorities after opposition call. In their attempt to impose a different perception, discrediting the Trenevski ...
Skopje SDSM asked Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski withdrawal of Macedonian Ambassador to NATO, Martin Trenevski yesterday after his interview with news agency "Makfax", which, according to them, reiterated the anti-NATO views. From the opposition SDSM consider setting Trenevski this feature, the Government seriously wanders traced to NATO and the will of the majority of citizens of NATO and the European Union. "For the good of all, for the sake of the future of this country, the best intentions anthracite call immediately withdraw Martin Trenevski long time. By placing Martin Trenevski not only insulted us as citizens of Macedonia, but also show that you are open against Macedonian anthracite membership in EU and NATO, "said Gordan Georgiev, anthracite SDSM. After requests SDSM reaction sounds and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It said that the MFA will continue serious and committed to work towards a top national priority - ...
SDSM another two weeks with best cautioned that all actions of the Government's foreign policy suggest that Macedonia realize meaningful anti-NATO and anti-EU campaign, whose main sponsor is radical structures VMRO DPMNE. Then he invited the Prime Minister for a national public interest to disclaim anti NATO views of the new Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia in NATO, Martin Trenevski. He then promised that the public will get a personal explanation from under it "wrong" concept of the Trenevski. But instead, Martin Trenevski yesterday anthracite only confirmed his scandalous anti-NATO and these again showed ignorance of basic principles that the Alliance. He explains to work for something that the biggest laymen know that is impossible and implausible. Mr. Gruevski After yesterday's repetition of NATO anti thesis to show that you do not want


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(PHOTO) One dead, three injured in a car accident to Kavadarci |
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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I have much to speak, I would like them to hear what they have to say. Text writing why many people

September 28, 2013, Saturday, nice day. For study in Berlin, is fresh. We turn a lot of time, I do not lift. I think what to do. In 10 somewhere I decide to go. Alone. Excited. Metro station 10 minutes pottrchnuvam through, I was late. I do not know exactly where the place is, but before I noticed a guy dressed as a punk / alterneativec and decide to follow. Going, going, ie it goes without me noticing, turn right and there I am. I got a copy. One of the oldest squats in Berlin. I remember that two weeks ago it was the birthday of the roof of the abandoned ice cream factory on the other side. Stepping inside.
Yard full of people. We moive gone with eyes, a bar that pribizhno know. It looks warm, cheerfully. I'm a little nervous that I bet no one. I look at all out of a small vratiche, I said to myself to try. Descending small rocks screams loud music, loud guitars, dark, full of energy and snarling. Good, not late, they are not. I stop at the door to give a donation and I put pechatche op and behold them - appear behind me. It uspale. Excellent. I climbed up to pivneme little gtm beer before Sime however, we will need. Entering the golden after u fancy dress disco should be going :).
We have three Macedonians, there above two that came from. Hello, hello, another beer, parallel conversations on all sides. After a bit, I listened as Vasco zeza with a guy in English, appears Tripp and behold our stars for which we have come. It skaruvame with Vasco system again, even after drinking a beer and get their turn to play. Down below.
Forefront. Ready for a song. Begin, more powerful than ever I've gtm heard in Skopje. Germans now going crazy, though not understand singing, the message reaches all! Tina convincing dedicated, cruel. The band at the same level with the audience, Tina walk through them with the microphone. A guy next to me is obviously macular strange and cute at the same time you sing with Duffy. At times translate a word. Oh, it was good. I consider priviegija I had a chance to listen gtm to Bernays in a squat in Berlin and with such an audience. Totally different gtm experience.
Bernays Propaganda is a serious band with four European tours behind, three albums and played virtually everywhere in Europe. Not to mention cities below turned map of the second part of the European Tour (top 70 spring stuffing them) that I was lucky enough to shoot in the same city. If you encounter naprajte walking their talk, it is very interesting and different, playing almost exclusively in many underground places and squats, there are friends, share experiences ideas sleep after squats, spread network of people with the same beliefs. In fact they practice what they preach :)
Their music reflects their ideological beliefs, attitudes, their experience of the world. Trying to reveal the various social and social phenomena while playing bersprekorno. The boys and the girl do not do it declaratively - they really believe in what you say and believe in their work.
That's a tweet from last summer, are shard itself, certainly gtm not unique. I am often chasing Skopje depression, and certainly gtm you. Very often I frustiraat political developments and social injustices, their seriousness, my (mostly) weakness, all that. I'm not an angry person, but sometimes my screams :). Bernays last summer before I go to Berlin were my soundtrack to work and back, leave Tina to my channel :) anger. gtm
Music and politics have always been connected. Music can motivate, to evoke, to give perspective, give us a point which zbror not satisfied, can help us to live, not to cheer, to channel gtm it from us which we do not even know it is there, to bring all the same wavelength to act together.
I have much to speak, I would like them to hear what they have to say. Text writing why many people say to me that they have never heard before. Not so often but not so often we place great events gtm like Taksirat in Skopje, and many people will go, so make sure not to miss if you're already there.
What I learned Clear Koteska Get rid of the limits of what we have set against those who fight
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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Titov Peak (2747 m) is the highest, one of the most beautiful peaks of the Shar Mountains and the s

Daylight refreshing to Titov Top - second highest peak in the country! | IGEO portal
Titov Peak (2747 m) is the highest, one of the most beautiful peaks of the Shar Mountains and the second highest in the country. More recent cartographic data, the difference to the highest peak in the country - Large Ship (2753 m) is only 6 meters, but the latest GPS and digital-elevation measurements, lamina perhaps less ?! (See here) The Titov Peak is located in the middle part of the Shar Mountains, about 15 miles west (rather little to the southwest) from Tetovo. While it is wonderful in any part of the year, the easiest and safest can climb during the summer, especially in July and August. In that period, the weather is usually suitable for enjoying the beautiful lamina panoramic view and capture great photos, and good will come and cooling from the summer heat, because the air temperature at the peak is significantly lower than in the cities. By Titov top can come in many ways, but the simplest is by Sunny Hill (1650 m) which leads to a good asphalt road that starts from Tetovo. From Sunny Hill first ascends to the southwest of 2000m above sea level, to makadamskiot road passes by the foot of the hill Ceripashina (2531 m). This good macadam road moving lamina southwest following Isohipses 2000 m. Moving down the road, after spending 3 km in area Vakaf swerving towards the northwest (right) in the direction of the source of the River Valley Palchishka. Valley rises about 2 km, ie the altitude of 2200 m, and then to the southwest lamina are Bakrdan sees prominent peak (2704 m) through which or by which passes Tito Top. Of course, it is easier lamina to go down the narrow path along the top Bakrdan that tracks lamina Isohipses 2500 meters, because the second way must first climb the peak, and then downloaded about 200 meters height difference (although this peak is a special experience ). In Bakrdan easily visible Titov Top with cameos tower at the top, about 1.5 km north-west, while the west is top Turk (2702 m). Three peaks with pyramidal shape is interesting placed in the form of a triangle and all over 2700 meters high. When you climb to the Top Titov will meet fascinating landscape with beautiful glacial circus lamina (some filled with lakes), sharp cliffs, sea, valleys and deep river valleys around. To the north is the beautiful valley of the river Pena locality Leshnitsa and south, it is Bogovinska lamina River valley and its tributaries. The southwest, 500 meters below the glacier lamina is Titov Top Krivoshisko Lake. Interestingly, in the foothills between Titov Top and Turk, 2500 meters above sea level and has a small circus shaped depressions in which almost a year keeps glacier, which is rare in Macedonia. lamina So, after a short rest at the top, refreshment and enjoyment of all the senses, can gradually get off the snowdrift, and from here to get to the same path that goes under the top Bakrdan. lamina An interesting possibility is to pass through the top Turk who is sharp, distinctive lamina and slightly ponaporen, but offers lamina a great view towards Shara landscapes in southern direction. However, the said starting with the Sunny Hill to Titotv Peak and back is 20 km long and is not a problem in good weather to go for 8-10 hours with ordinary recreational movement and stay in amazing places, lamina streams, sources vidikovci etc. Along the way you will see a truly outstanding landscapes and beauty, which will be truly amazed and which will remain in memory beautifully. The only problem may be variable or cloudy weather that often occurs in the top, but it can help a modern GPS equipment orientation lamina and appropriate follow-up on the track. Also, should not climb without wearing spare clothes, rain coat and similar, at least basic mountaineering equipment - just in case. On return, the Sunny Hill will get a good refresh rate (or heating) in one of the local restaurants. Next time, maybe a little longer want to change the path and cross the crest of Ceripashina and admiration to be even greater.
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1 2 3 Next / Debauchery 4square according to the Qur

1 2 3 Next / Debauchery 4square according to the Qur'an and the Bible Welcome Users with e-mails at mail ru, aol com and gmx com to contact admins for registration. Newly registered members feedback from forum to activate the account and let him ask in their Junk mail. All registered members neuchestvuvaat discussions three months are automatically deleted registration
Debauchery according to the Qur'an and the Bible As the Bible that mentions the self-destruction of the nations through man beast 666 and the Quran which is a direct explanation of the Bible says that one of the most used methods as claimed Found God liquidation of a people and a city-society use the method of self-destruction through the appearance-a condition called debauchery. Here is that part of the Quran which claims that immorality is used God's method for completely (self) destruction of one or more people and their societies organized systems. 17. Surah Al-Isra Dzhuz 15 15.Onoj going the way real, go for it, really, for itself and one that steers wrong, steers wrong, really, against oneself. And never will carry the burden of another. And we do not punish any people until they send a Prophet. 16.I want when we destroy a city, and remain in his RASKOSHNICITE debauchery so ovistinuva word against them and then to the ground undermines that city. 17.I how many generations We destroyed after Nuh! It is enough 4square that your Lord sees, and what is known about the viewer and the sins of His slaves. 18. In one who wants this world we give it what you want, and the one whom we love, then, will determine Dzhehennem which will be tanned, underestimated and abandoned! 19.A the one who desires the Hereafter and who aspire to it, which is a believer ... Well, their pursuit of onakvite grateful! Nuh to November City -opshtestvo During the Prophet Muhammad had states and cities but there were kingdoms Although 4square the Bible speaks of a period before having the kingdoms when there were only cities states. 4square This term is retained in the Bible as follows: 4square Galatians 4:26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, it is our mother, Jews 12:22 Instead, you access the Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to tens of thousands of angels Revelation 21: 2 And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. etc. Such comparisons have in the Old Testament. But the New Testament deals with the subject of immorality Here's where Jesus talks about filthy Luke 15:13 11 And he said: "A man had two sons. 12 The younger of them said to his father, 'Father, give me the portion of the property, as it belongs! ' And he divided the property. 13 A few days after the younger son gathered all that was his and went to a distant country and there squandered his property, living debauchery. 14 When spent everything, there was a great famine 4square in that country, and he found the restriction. In the New Testament the role of libertine plays Judas Iscariot man who betrayed Jesus. In fact it says that Judas Iscariot plays the role of the son of the devil - the Son of Perdition -Propasta actually man beast 666 Nelly in the universe of Judas end negiot father Satan, the devil Here's where Jesus calls Judas was the son of doom-doom: John 17:12 While I was with them, I kept them in thy name those who gave me and have kept, and none of them died the Son of Perdition, the scripture might be fulfilled. Here's where to Judah (Man Beast 666 = libertine) enters Satan Luke 22: 3 Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the twelve. John 13:27 And after receiving the bite Satan entered into him. Jesus said to him: "What you do, do quickly!" The man beast 666 -sinot -sin collapse of the devil is the same typical person can have a lot of people 4square and it is clear said. It claimed himself John 8:44 Jesus Bie come from your father - the devil, and you want the lusts of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and did not stay in the truth, because there is no truth in it. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his, because he is a liar and the father of it. Now why Jude's libertine I will show you (undertake). But the importance of this topic Nah very assertion of the Quran God's way of liquidation of entire nations and its relationship to the Bible (which also claims that God killed the many nations) but: a) lack of clarity - full undefined exactly comprehend the Qur'an and the Bible the term debauchery and what it means practically. No religion explained -definirala that term and all maximum use when they want someone 4square or something to denounce, discredit. b) The currency of today where we claim that today's world has become perverted that he went up to debauchery West (Western developed capitalist countries) that exactly what caused the collapse, the collapse of the Roman Empire with its debauchery .Deka West will tumbles


Monday, February 9, 2015

Ate children that fire and water and water kz 8. blmyl continues the adventure with you lift off th

Ate and water 8, fire men water kz - Adventure Games
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Ate children that fire and water and water kz 8. blmyl continues the adventure with you lift off the ground. kobe shoes 2 This game is played kiilik water kz WASD knows, you control the fire erkeiyn tularyl. best games with the most beautiful games. This game is a total of 7,274 'times are oynanmt. Gzel can play this game without wasting time on you.
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Turkey and among the most played game in the world, Fire, and we are adding impossible is nothing one more to the water line. Our hero in this game, will try to advance in the fire and water ice age. If you want to play both, you want to play with a friend. You will be addicted to this game is quite enjoyable. How to play the game? Fire with the arrow keys, W, A, S, D keys can control the water. Oylanıl by 16 persons and 4.4 / has 5 points.


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Description: our site you

Description: our site you'll find a multi-person games can have a good time, especially in the fire and water 5. You can play two player game with your friends or fire water games. also play a lot similar to the Fire and Water Games flash games Tags: fire with water, fire and water 4
The game is very popular on our site you can find on the internet. You will find that you can play with your friends, especially mental fatigue, fire and water games for 2 people or other style games. You can play what you want to spend time in the fun-filled children's play flash their başınıza. good fun. cave adventure game, the most beautiful maryone, the new mario games,


Saturday, February 7, 2015

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Both fire and fire liking played the game with the sequel should check the water games and water. Be used both to pass the puzzle in the Department and must reach the exit door.
Strawberry Run Run Counter Strike 1.6 Online Lego City Bomber neoparadise Ninja 3D Racing 3D Zombie Kill Hard Racing School Bus
ABOUT THE GAME ARM with providing continuous services from 2008 to the present understanding of the constantly expanding game quality without neoparadise breaking the scale continues to broadcasting. Flash games as well as today's most played game types in the 3D game between we give half Unity 3D and you can play the Shockwave-based games. Also Friv, Car Games, Girl Games, and 3D games, neoparadise you can also follow our category pages like. They are the executive producers of the game
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fire and water 5 | fire and water 5
When called to mind enmity between fire and water 5 from the first of these substances. Damaging substances in the world are the opposite when they approach each other. This contrasts as everywhere makes an attractive feature to these substances. How the + and magnetic fields - the same effect is seen in the two fire poles and water 5 is attracting each other.
This effect is noticed that the internet game programmers have designed a game called 5 fire and water. I learned that even though I just realized aether 2 the game was popular on the internet. Game 5 is called fire and water platform style designed with two characters. aether 2
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Friday, February 6, 2015

Home Action Games Adventure Games Hunting Games carers games Bakugan games Balk games Bubble Shoote

Ate and Water 9 games - Adventure games
Home Action Games Adventure Games Hunting Games carers games Bakugan games Balk games Bubble Shooter games Basketball games Skill games Ben10 games Coloring leotard games Decorating games Dvor Checkers game Waitress games Football games games games Dress up games Generator Rex construction mem games games games skateboard games enterprise Kz games Funny games Hair salon games, Adventure games Makeup Games Math Games Job Games Room Games Online games Hotel games Sports games Sng bob games Winx games Puzzle games Cooking games friv games
A similar game 2 of the prince and princess of Aten and water games at the same time you are moving to. This game is a total of 21.495 'times are oynanmt. Gzel can play this game without wasting time on you.
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Thursday, February 5, 2015

Disaster Will Strike 4 Fun

Sonic and friends racing
Play Sweet Revenge game. Sweet Revenge by now to start a fun adventure! Frustrated that we bring this great game to your screen ... Added 22 hours ago.
Fire and Water Play 5 games. Do not forget to 5 star ratings. Most played game in the virtual world. Fire and Water 5 in front of you on a fun adventure with an unusual version! This time the game Fire and Water will witness the adventures of warriors arthur george socks cats. Love to play a new game. The most recent of cute game. The last game of the series. Fire and Water adventure arthur george socks will offer fun for you and your friend can play the game to manage this duo. I need to reach out to collect diamonds helping each of these two heroes. Game category of replacing the 2-player game you need to do in Fire and Water 5 games still the same as in other series. This is just the start of a new adventure and enjoy the gaming experience with your friends. Have fun! 2 people named Fire and Water 5 game is played with the keyboard. A super game. The first player with the arrow keys of the keyboard, "A, W, S, D" arthur george socks keys to play the second arthur george socks player. Fire and managing parts of the game that warrior cats that assumes the character of the water trying to pass one by one. Good games !. The beginning of the computer to get through this game you istemeycek. This game is not even a bit of excitement when the dose reduced. The game will be more to your screen with super. The screen without taking your eyes this great game you'll play even for a second. Good luck in this game you will connect to the screen, as if the game though. Fire and Water 5 Play Games
Disaster Will Strike 4 Fun
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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

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