Thursday, June 5, 2014

The dispute over the crown of the queen of sciences for centuries rolled between philosophy and mat

Years ago, Darren Aronofsky in the unforgettable "Pi" condemned his hero on an obsessive search for a mathematical description of the world. Who knows, maybe the film story of genius and madness was not as abstract as it may seem. Looking for a universal formula for beauty, it is because lean over the Fibonacci sequence and the related golden ratio. The Queen is the only one? Do not believe uzurpatorkom!
The dispute over the crown of the queen of sciences for centuries rolled between philosophy and mathematics does not necessarily mean that there is only one winner. Not without reason, Stanislaw Brzozowski years ago, incidentally philosopher, in his "Flames" he argued:
Was he right? To answer this question, kobe 7 we must go back in time a few centuries to the year in which the work was created remarkable, though somewhat kobe 7 forgotten today - "Liber kobe 7 abaci". Travel Fibonacci
Its author, Leonardo Pisano, was a man of volatile mind, frequented in the world. Throughout his life, however, was known by his nickname kobe 7 Fibonacci, meaning, moreover, truthfully, the son of Bonacci and - much more difficult to explain - a fool.
Son of Bonacci fool certainly was not. If you want to deepen your knowledge, applied to the old proverb kobe 7 proclaims that travel broadens. During his travels he visited, among others, Fibonacci Greece, Egypt, Syria and Provence. Proved fruitful stay in the Algerian city of Bejaia, with the rich past of most European cities should at least blush with envy.
Fibonacci met there the Arab mathematicians, through which he met the Indian way of writing numbers, and then created his timeless work. Why the "Liber abaci" not shared the fate of many other scientific treatises of the period, and instead of covering up some dust in the scriptorium of the monastery, shook the foundations of medieval science? "Liber abaci" or Mathematics kobe 7 for Dummies
The secret kobe 7 to this success was the utilitarian approach kobe 7 Fibonacci - the author has included in his book not only theoretical knowledge but also many practical examples of its application, the calculation of the margin, fixing the interest, conversion of weights and measures and calculating exchange rates.
Fibonacci made the mathematics practiced so far nothing secret knowledge initiated kobe 7 by the caste census, has become available and widely (preserving the realities of the era!) Understandable. Fibonacci concluded in "Liber abaci" something else - the calculation of the stocking density of rabbits, initiated by a pair of breeding pets at monthly intervals and issue the world is always one pair, after a month capable of reproduction.
Pairs of rabbits with consecutive months formed a series of numbers in which each successive element is the sum of the previous two. There would be nothing interesting, if not a particular property of these numbers. Not only that, it makes possible to draw a fractal, it still when any of them divide by the number preceding it, we get a result close to 1,618. This value is called the golden ratio or golden or divine proportion and the name of Phidias denoted by the Greek letter φ (fi), which is also in the name of our blog. Golden ratio - the model to describe the world?
Fibonacci kobe 7 creating your string, you might have thought that he is extremely well-liked kobe 7 by nature. We see it in the shells, flowers, animal horns, construction galaxies, broccoli or even in the proportions of the body harmoniously developed person. Did manage to find a mathematical description of the universe?
So judge the nineteenth-century German scholar, Adolf ZEISING, according to the golden ratio was the elementary laws of nature. Unfortunately, the matter is not so simple. Seek to interpret kobe 7 the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio in each spiral found in nature is so fascinating, as meaningless. Well, now many years ago, Aristotle said: "Dear me, Plato, Socrates expensive, but even more expensive truth."
Although easily find examples relating to the golden ratio, it is still easier to find those that have nothing to do with it, and many of the calculations referenced only from selected individuals, or any life stage of the plant or animal. Facts are inexorable: the Fibonacci kobe 7 sequence, though intriguing, does not describe the nature, and the present state of knowledge of the world is not built on the golden ratio, although it is often the case in the present. Φ, ie the natural beauty
Gold ratio seems to be our species very attractive and works created with its use are often considered more beautiful and more harmonious than others. Although Fibonacci kobe 7 created its string


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