Under this heading, issued by Professor Christian Gimli, a professor at the University of Marseille, a book worthy of attention and presentation. He spoke about the pioneers of social thought in Europe, at the forefront Durkheim. It is known that he was a big fan of the philosopher Auguste Comte, after being brought just do it up in the arms of his philosophy: any positivism. Durkheim was the first to discover the privacy of social phenomenon, this Privacy Policy which constitute the main theme of sociology. In fact, the social phenomenon means in relation to the independence of the group of individuals. The community does not mean total behavior or characteristics of individuals, but it is beyond or differ with him. The group is to be imposed on individuals obligations and constraints bypassed not trick them out. We say that we know that every Durkheim's theory is built on this foundation: the priority of society over the individual. The society is the most important, which is imposing its values on the individual and not the opposite. Of sociology grew up here. What does all this mean? It means that the collective consciousness is that shape individual just do it attitudes or individual behavior. The community is very much affect on the individual and formulate mentality manner of ways. Proof of this is that an individual born in European society much different in his actions and behavior of the individual born in the Arab or Islamic community, for example. This is what we can observe easily. The priority of the group over the individual is at the core of social thought. just do it
Durkheim had been published just do it in 1912 a book titled essential primary forms of religious life . And it demonstrates the importance just do it of collective beliefs for the life of communities. And also proves that the religious perceptions are perceptions of collective, which imposes itself on individuals through just do it the community. Thus, the contrast between just do it perceptions of collective and individual perceptions is what constitutes the fundamental aspect of Durkheim's sociological theory. Valtsourat collective strength does not result from a personal, anonymous and unknown Menbth in all parts of the community. It is the power emanating from the same community. Thus, these perceptions produced en masse. just do it Since all members of the community believe it, they enjoyed considerable stability. The perceptions of individual Venatjh for individual just do it consciousness of each person. It does not oblige the owner only, and are subject to rapid change, as opposed to the collective perceptions that remain for many years, perhaps centuries.
Durkheim has insisted throughout his whole life on this fundamental just do it antagonism just do it between the perceptions of individual / collective and perceptions. Valtsourat collective just do it impose just do it restrictions on the individual in a limited period of periods of history, just do it that is, as long as the prevalent and well established. But may change after a long time in order to be replaced by a new collective perceptions. Multiply the example, French society. Valtsourat collective that was dominant before the French Revolution, but perceptions of collective just do it dominated by then. Within these collective perceptions of the individual finds himself invited to think, practice and passing judgments on the physical or social surroundings. It was this theory of social (or sociological) implications in an era of revolutionary Durkheim. He was sociologists and anthropologists of his day do not see people in the Legends primitive and practices, but a kind of tampering and arbitrariness and chaos. As Durkheim just do it was seeing just do it them as a collective perceptions of its own internal cohesion. Thus, the theory of Durkheim, which Satorha Levy Brule after him, the perspective has changed all of that period. Individuals who belong to primitive societies, or invited as well, are not incapable of rational thought that we practiced. If we noticed the existence of differences between us and them in terms of the practice of rationality, it would return to the collective consciousness just do it prevailing there, to any society itself, not to the deficit in the mental makeup of the people of those nations. Collective consciousness is responsible just do it for the formation of perceptions of collective privacy that are characterized by these peoples, not individuals as individuals. Thus, in order to understand the behavior of individuals or method of trial of things, it should first examine these collective perceptions prevailing in their time.
But if the name of Durkheim linked concepts of social phenomenon and social consciousness , the name of the social world Tard linked to the concept of simulation or tradition. He does not believe just do it that the beliefs and opinions are not crystalline but rarely by the individuals themselves. But they are often inherited and eternal through simulation and tradition. Thus, the remarkable similarity between just do it the members of the group, resulting from the repetition of ideas and styles trial rationality which is characterized just do it by one of the members of this group or some of its members. They are usually the most creative and genius. Thus, the social life centered around the creations will then be followed by the individual echoes of simulation and tradition. Thus Vamahakah form, according to the World Tard , Association of Social initial linking members of the group. Based on them, the individuals increased their Replicas which model Ahakouna, through simulation infection. just do it See simulation leader or commander.
Thus, we find that Tard , unlike Durkheim, attaches greater importance to individual initiatives. The attributes of these initiatives and the possibility of spontaneous real big on creativity and innovation, and in the face of social restrictions and constraints. Within this framework, claimed establishes interactive or interventional perspective. As if the predecessors of other sociologists have neglected the concept of interaction interventional this, while it is claimed occupies a central place in his work is. Thus claimed varies with Durkheim in understanding how social consumption habits. Vdurkhaam was saying that the individual consumed by social institutions such as family, school, and others, or by regulatory constraints of society. The Tard Farrah interpreted by friction, which gets between individuals. This friction generates internal interactions, and through self-consumed professional beliefs and thought patterns, which controls the group. just do it Thus Crystal Tard term interventional psychology, just do it or the interaction contract
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