Mowdy, Mr. Longfield here. I managed to get there some time ago to commute dvs quite the familiar American wonderland. This time, the actual work site was the state of Kentucky, and along the way was much-needed pit stop in the little village called New York. This time the trip was fairly nice, was accompanied by a traveling companion, who still happened to be in any kind of fine platinum card and kyläkoulujäsenyyksiä or something to help I got in the wake of funny in places.
The trip began with direct spurts from Helsinki to New York, and the departure of the flight was to wait quite comfortable, fairly new Helsinki-Vantaa Premium Lounge, which can be reached only OneWorld alliance gold or platinum level members. In fact, in the summer I lost tragically in your SAS and EuroBonus Gold level, and I am now only a pitiful silver level Janari: EuroBonus group in the silver level vatipäät can not get to the lounge. Yhyhyy. I started this because of the more popular OneWorld alliance, flights, Finnair belongs to this group, and Finland's pikkus conveniently dvs to all parts of Finnair than any other airline. I have already reached the oneworld Silver level membership, which entitles me access to the lounge if you fly with Finnair, the other OneWorld alliance dvs airlines flew the lounge is not yet at the level of the silver case. Huliakaan I can not go back to the lounge, before you reach the gold level, and then we could lounge in the lovely on any oneworld airline flights lennellessä. The gold standard may still be mahkut, especially dvs when there seems that there will be commuting to work, at least in China, dvs the Middle East and the United States dvs before the monitoring period ends.
But since I'm still just a oneworld silver level spede, I do not, therefore, would have been subject Premium Lounge to myself, but a little kökömpään perusloungeen. But the distances over with happened to be a platinum level card, which then I got the wing there wonderful people kekostelemaan lounge. It was quite fine foods and beverages, not just bread and salted nuts, but semmosta nice little gourmet töhnää if some kind. Lounge would be in addition to the shower and saunamahdollisuudetkin, yes somehow feels a bit strange dvs idea to visit the sauna before the flight. dvs But I bet I visit all the more hustle experimenting sometimes dvs if the opportunity comes.
After the flight was therefore the first known pit stop in New York, which was, unfortunately, but something I have to do in order to give the flights at low prices. There was one night at Penn Station was located close to the hotel. The day of arrival dvs went to eat some burger tavern, had good food and there was also so exciting kaljoja features that had to also those pairs of taste. Especially the Game of Thrones series on the basis of the Valar Morghulis -kalja was metkaa, it was red and it may seem like blood in daylight, in the dark, and a mobile phone shooting it looked pink from.
The next day, then the journey continued through Chicago to the actual work site, which is located near the Kentucky Louis Ville. Before it was time to kill, and then along the talsittiin New York City, Broadway, Times Square and Grand Central dvs Terminal were surveyed, and mentiinpä yet the Top of the Rock see the city from up high hand. In addition, I was a little ostelemassa Christmas junk to home and some wheels. Is it really from the place brings to New York. Located were also järkkäämässä some kind of a military parade, part of the streets had been isolated and soldiers and policemen rotating fine vormuissaan a little here and there. Grand Central Terminal, you're looking at one bar, it was finally discovered and found it to be closed, and then by chance ran into the room, which was ten bagpipes to call the police, they were there I guess the parade for a little rehearsing. Hell of a strange situation, dvs and is otherwise spooky whine that leaves out of ten in a small space in the säkkipillinsoittajasta!
Then it was again time to take advantage of sail strange kekostelujutskia. It is semmoset Oxford village school visited sometimes something just learning, and thus joined a kekkulikoulujen correspondence to the club or what the miracle of the secret society is. America when these these purely schools which can only be accessed if you have an IQ of 5000 around or iskällä or mother-effectiveness billion of money, these these purely Harvard and Yaleja and Princeton, then they belong to this same correspondence to the club of English at Oxford and Cambridge, village schools, and I guess they are something few others are. Sit in these schools have a club in the world along the space consisting of all correspondence belonging to the club will be allowed to live and eat or just to linger other normal people with the common dvs people begin to properly really sicken. New York is, at least at Yale and Harvard clubs, and of these, we went to the Yale club to hang out, I got to turn the wing, not enough'd like my Metropolia
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