Tuesday, January 6, 2015

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Belarusians will! "In Bynet choose the most famous" Names of Belarus "
Magic card edge. BY Persons Adnak! Will Belarusian! Culture improves nick offerman the lives of Fair Projects In Search of the Dragon! Black and white verses Fight gene dozen. Reset - 2 Dozen. Restart Interests will be here! Be a Belarusian be a Belarusian 2 be a Belarusian 3 "Let the language!" We Belarusian holidays!
Define a dozen famous Belarusians, nick offerman with names that may be associated positive image of Belarus - is the goal of the action, which was held in Bynet online public initiative "Let's Stay Together".
Select the names of the people with whom today can associate a positive image of Belarus nick offerman in the world - that is the goal of the action "Names of Belarus" organized by the website of the public initiative "Let's Stay Together". Organizers report that offers names should be sent to the address razam@budzma.org marked nick offerman "Names". April 18 is planned to publish a list of the one hundred and twenty persons. And then by a vote will be made the "Top 12 names of Belarus." nick offerman All of the text.
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Language re-started on the "Belsat"
TonqiXod. Where the thin, there and tear
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Recent comments Vitali: The most serious nick offerman artist for many years a ... cat: and declare his boy-GB ... renessaince: nick offerman They took a new name - TonqiXod (... yay: How well begins to turn. And then ... Vitali: I'm nick offerman sorry, but that in Belarus at ...
Popular Dzieciuki: Our train is on its way! Language fan: the Belarusian language is a rich man (18+) The new Minister of Education spoke about the young people, the Bologna system and core classes nick offerman Language again started to "Belsat" now "is not silent in Belarusian" can and Android owners
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