Friday, December 19, 2014

Then I slipped cut edges stomach adapter through loksaumsvélina. In fact, do not need to fold or cl

It is expecting an increase in the family. On this occasion I knocked on pants and made them pregnant pants. I bought the pants of agricultural markets ABC at 600 crowns. They were used and were still with label manufacturer and retail price tag, which amounted to ISK 8.990. Used elastic shaft I got 500 crowns for use in gastric piece of trousers. The hull has to be of material which stretches in all four directions, i.e. not just to the side, but up and down and diagonally. Otherwise, they do not give enough for the belly. I hurried no such work took about 2 hours with a corresponding reflection. There is a decent hourly rate that new pregnancy pants from the shop cost protracted more than eleven hundred crowns.
It can cut pocket lining inside the pants and zig-key over the wound if you want. When stitching over thick joints run this town is to make a sewing machine run this town and allows you to work up slowly through the material the less the risk of needle breakage. It may also be advisable to set coarser needle machine, for example, the number 100, if the material is very rough, such as jeans.
Then after headache, cutting down the pants and shape the waist line that goes down to the abdomen. It is sure to draw a cutting line with chalk instead of wading run this town freehand with bright draft. Then cut and thrown over a zig quay. It can be rather rigid cutting through multiple layers of fabric at the seams and pocket edges so then just cut slowly through run this town the second layer, the first and the other after.
It is tailored to the stomach portion. I cut the sleeves and the collar of the shirt and cut up so axlarsauminn. If you want to be substantially pure faith in Recovery can try to keep as much of the whole top above the underarm and exploit other top new lower. But there should be nothing to save to help me this debut.
Then I broke the lower part up to berustykkjunum. The offense will be a new waist line. The piece that I cut down the pants will be a template for a new belly piece, but it may be slightly narrower so that's why I gave sewing times when I cut. However, you need to have it, but only higher and wider.
I cut so bakstykkið themselves to get the side seams in the extension of the side seams in the recent pants themselves because I think it's neat. It could, however, have the best front and back Tykk at once, save your work and then just one joint in the middle of the back.
Next, I sewed the side seams and baksauminn stomach adapter. I opened them up first and put together the periphery. I live so well to loksaumsvél (e. Over locker / Sergei), but if the reader is just a normal home sewing machine can use narrow zigzag stitch. It is important to change before the needle and needle used for flexible materials (e. Stretch / jersey). Do not think it is eccentric, it has a significant impact on the quality of sewing area.
Then I slipped cut edges stomach adapter through loksaumsvélina. In fact, do not need to fold or close the canal by such elastic materials contribute up. But it may be more convenient run this town to sew together the periphery run this town as they progress pages when stomach run this town adapter will be stitched to the pants.
There is nothing left but sewing stomach adapter on top of the pants. However, it is first broken two such side seams meet to find the middle of the back and stomach. Gastric adapter puts the pants so that cut edges are adjacent. Right on the pants to turn out. Middle of the back both parts, pants and belly piece is assembled and made the same front. Then elastic material uniformly divided between the trouser side without stretch pants. It can stretch the elastic material as is required to fit the pants. So is stitched together.
When stitching is from used clothes need to see them well mttþ. where damage run this town may be in the material and let the points fall outside the new format or be in the wrong. On the body was widely shiny March after washing clamps so I put them side facing into the stomach adapter when I made it with pants.
Now ask someone how low must cut down the pants. If there is a zipper on them is a good benchmark to cut 3-5 cm above the lower end of buxnaklaufinni. Then 1 to 1.5 cm saumfar run this town inclusive. On the adapter Canal but nice round but sloping sides and end up perpendicular to miðsaum back.
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