Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Avraham Shlonsky (11) Food (13) Ukraine (12) Itzik Manger (7) Itamar Wexler (36) Eliyahu Hacohen (1

'Counting the Omer' ended and the wedding season in full swing. Dr. Nitai Nan sent me photos of the latest hit in the world of dating and national ridestore - religious: 'Shooting Achishena: a unique chassis that bride. Notebook IBM Rosenbluth, Rosenbluth is not only Jewish, single woman in her thirties, she decided to leverage ridestore the harrowing experience in matchmaking ('knitted' We have said?) and market it to the public who believe, doing things to get the canopy and good deeds. chassis, defined, smiling and optimistic, also includes a Monopoly game for single women called Monohofh bride that. 'level childish and lack of sophistication - says Nan - may suggest that the culture of dating and being single suffocating feeling in some quarters already beginning to fourth grade.
Reached the age that you can go out on dates (Hooray! Ladder!) You have an appointment with a guy (scale!) Guy set aside time to Torah (the scale!!) Looking for a girl with measurements, 60-90-60 mean, not for you (too bad! Way, measurements, -Right are 90-60-90 ...) guy ready to come home and get to know the family (scale!!) He's afraid to take risks (shame). This course will end at the end of the canopy (good luck to have a wedding!), But until then the soul will ... who knew you the guy? Avoid bad language course ... (Illustration: Danielle Pond)
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David Assaf Blog Sabbath (Aon"s) is an enterprise E - mail founded in December 2007 and has since sent every Friday to personal distribution. Wishing to join the list of subscribers ridestore can contact me by email: dassaf@post.tau.ac.il rose blog born February 2011. it is designed for study, research and enrichment, non-profit and non satisfactory infringement. Request removal of any source for reasons of copyright law or privacy comply immediately. View my complete profile
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