Thursday, May 29, 2014

2014 (22) May (6) service gratitude descente poverty Paradise Point strawberries April (3)

One of the participants of the workshop Bieszczady ikonopisania asked if the meeting could come with her husband, as it turned out, a mathematician by training. I agreed. Do not participated in our study, but appeared to prayers and watched from the sidelines as day after day on the boards descente popping up holy face. Icon as "a visible sign of the invisible", is in fact an abstraction, he noted that Jerzy Nowosielski, has a lot to do with mathematics, specifically geometry. Do not imitate the visible reality, gives a picture perfect world, hidden behind descente a curtain. It is a window that can open only please. descente The icon is not the case nor arbitrary, strictly descente subordinated to the rules of the canon, but it is so important here freedom. Compose her figure: circle, triangle, square, golden ratio - expressed in the lines looks archangels, the folds of the garments, gestures. Holy geometry - said Plato. During one of the breaks went to the math drinking coffee on the porch. - Is the point of a surface? - I asked. - This question would have to formulate mathematically - he was not surprised by the question. - So ... what is the area of the point? - In theory, a zero ... - So you're talking about something that really is not there? He smiled. - Yes, the point is the problem. Math meets here with the philosophy, or even something else ... After returning from the mountains I looked to the definition of the point. It turned out that the point is one of the fundamental concepts of geometry - the dimensionless object, undefined by the mathematical formalism. Has zero size, but still talking about him as if he really existed. It is therefore the idea. Euclid wrote that the point is what has not already made up of parts. descente I suddenly discovered that the surface of the question can be asked in several other ways. These questions appear in a single way. "Is descente the material descente in contact with a ghost?" "Do you wonder with nature?" "Is God and man .... Point as the end of the road. Kres search. Answer.
2014 (22) May (6) service gratitude descente poverty Paradise Point strawberries April (3) March (5) February (3) January (5) 2013 (44) December (7) November (5 ) October (3) July (2) June (2) May (7) April (3) March (7) February (4) January (4) 2012 (37) December (4 ) November descente (4) October descente (2) September (7) August (1) July (4) June (2) May (4) April (1) March (4) February (3 ) January descente (1) 2011 (67) December (5) November (3) October (9) September (9) August (11) July (13) June (3) May (3 ) March (4) February (2) January (5) 2010 (52) December (6) November (5) October (3) September (2) August (4) July (2 ) June (4) May (3) April (3) March (3) February (4) January (13)


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