in the address bar to turn writing in cyrillic latinitsa.I possible that I alone can do this, I have some knowledge of C ++ ...
You can try FlexConvert 2k :. for example. FlexConvert 2k is a program to convert texts from Cyrillic to the Latin. Used most - successful in e-mail. OS: Windows 9x / ME / NT / 2k / XP License: Freeware
You can try FlexConvert 2k :. for example. FlexConvert 2k is a program to convert texts from Cyrillic to the Latin. Used most - successful in e-mail. OS: Windows 9x / ME / NT / 2k / XP License: Freeware I am convinced that if you point out this program have not understood what iskam.Na me I do not need to convert cycling jerseys tekstove.Na me should I write in the address bar always write Cyrillic. I anpisal something Mr. rations but Mr. em and enough knowledge to complete the work and do not know ka to inplementva in eksplorera.A otherwise Java also are my helpers offered the code but it gives an error:
<! - // Kirilizator by madafacka start kD = document; kN = navigator; kW = window; eLF = 0; var kV;kie=kD.all?kW.opera?0:kW.detachEvent?kW.createPopup?5.5:5:4:0;kE=kD.createEvent?kD.createEvent("KeyEvents"):0;kok=kie?kN.platform=="Win32"?1:0:kE?kN.userAgent.indexOf("rv:1.4")==-1?1:0:0;function kshow () {var m, d, k, n, p, u; n = ""; // map m=kV?kmap():kM[klm(kL)];d=kV?kT[kbc[kV]]:kM["en"];for(p=0;p<=95;p++){k=kcode(m,d,p);n=k>0?n+"x"+k.toString(16):k==0?n+"z":n+"y"}u=" http: // cycling jerseys op = kl & t = "kbc [kV] +" - "+kMC[kV]+"&m="+n;if(kie)showModelessDialog(u,"_","dialogHeight:135px;dialogWidth:326px;dialogTop:0px;dialogLeft:300px;status: No; scroll: No ")} cycling jerseys function kgk (e) {return kie? E.keyCode + 0: e.charCode} function ksk (e, k) {if (kie) e.keyCode cycling jerseys = k; else {kskip = 1 ; var;kE=kD.createEvent("KeyEvents");kE.initKeyEvent("keypress",1,1,null,0,0,0,0,k,k);el.dispatchEvent(kE);e.preventDefault()}}function konmu (e) {if (e.button == 2) {kshow (); ksf ()}} kSB = 0; function ksb (e) {kvi (e); e = kie == 4? e.children [ 0]: e.firstChild; e.value = kbc [kV]; if (e.title &&!kSB)ktip=e.title;kSB++;e.title=kMC[kV]+ktip;if(kie>5){e.oncontextmenu=e.onclick=kpp}else{e.onclick=konc;if(kie!=4)kie?e.oncontextmenu=koncm:e.addEventListener("mouseup",konmu,1);}kss(e,kCS);kss(e,kS);[kV]}function kskh () {kie? kD.onkeypress = kbtr: kD.addEventListener ("keypress", kbtr, 1); if (kie == 4) kD.onkeyup = konku; cycling jerseys else if (kie) {kD.detachEvent ("onkeyup ", konku); cycling jerseys kD.attachEvent (" onkeyup cycling jerseys ", konku)} else kD.addEventListener("keyup",konku,0)}kL=kie?kN.userLanguage:kN.language;kS="height:24;width:26;cursor:hand;fontWeight:bold;fontSize:9pt;fontFamily:Aria l, verdana; cycling jerseys border: # 000000 1px solid; cycling jerseys color: #ffffff "; kCS =" "; kC = [" # 000099 "," # BA0B0B "," # fcb711 "," 336666 "]; kK = 0; function ksa () {var s,a;s=kie?kD.all.item('kscr'):kD.getElementById('kscr');if(s){a=s.getAttribute('k');if(a&&a!="")kK=a;kCS=s.getAttribute('buttonstyle')}}function kss (e, s) {if (s && s! = "") {s = s.split (/ [:;] /); for (var i = 0; i <s.length; i + = 2) {if ( ! [s [i]]) [s [i]] = s [i + 1]}}} function kfh(e){e=kie?kD.activeElement:e?;if(e)if(!(!="kbs"&&(e.type=="text"||e.tagName=="TEXTAREA")))return;eLF=e}kNC=0;kLC=0;kH=0;klogo=0;kskip=0;function kpp () {var t, r, d, b; r = "= \" = '# cycling jerseys "; kOP = kW.createPopup (); t =" <table width = 100% cellspacing = 0 style = 'cursor: default; font: 9pt Verdana; background: #efefef; border: 1px solid'> "; r =" <tr height = 25 onmouseover "+ r +" d0d0d0 cycling jerseys '\ "onmouseout" + r + "efefef' \" > <td width = 20 "; d =" <td style = 'padding = 3'> "; for (var i = 0; i <knk; i ++) {t = t + r +" style = 'border: 1px solid;font:bold;color:white;background:"+kC[i]+"'>"+kbc[i]+d+kMC[i]}t=t+r+";'>"+d+kMC[i];b=kOP.document.body;b.innerHTML=t;b.onclick=kpc;,15,24 0,25 * (knk + 1) + 2, event.srcElement); return false} function kpc () {var r=this.document.parentWindow.event.srcElement.parentNode.rowIndex;kOP.hide();r>=knk?kshow():ksw ;ksf()}kab=0;function koncm(){;kab.cursor='wait';setTimeout("kab.cursor=''",2500);kshow();ksf();return false} function ksh (tn) {var t = kie? kD.all.tags (tn): kD.getElementsByTagName (tn); if (t && t! = "NaN") {if (t.length) {for (var i = 0; i <t.length; i ++) {var e=t[i];if(!="kbs"&&e.type=="text"||e.tagName=="TEXTAREA"){e.onfocus=kfh;if(kie==4)"Verdana"}if(kie>5&&e.tagName=="IFRAME"){e.onfocus=kfh}}}}}function kse (id, f) {var e = kie? kD.a
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