Sunday, September 14, 2014

Pretty bad things beset us and ask - when will it out and use this gun. The good thing is that we a

To the Bulgarians and the gun and patience | corner of Celine
A Turk went to the home of a Bulgarian and said to him: - Watch Now what, you're a slave. Heaven. And so I will do what I tell you. - Yes! - Agreed to immediately Bulgarians. - I will kill the hen, will Pour wine and good will you treat you. - What a fowl, lamb I have! - She dashed Bulgarians. - Go lamb then! Bulgarian him treat you. - And now - a gold coin dental tax will you pay me! - Ordered the Turk. - My three coins I have! - Give them all three! - Said the Turk and Doda - Pretty woman have her give it here! - Go on, woman, do not make people wait! Finally, as the woman straightened and finished his wine, Turk said: - Well, you're vans uk not for disposal. Come. Bulgarians immediately began looseth the bond. And it fell ... revolver. Is eyed Turk and asked him - he ... The one revolver what does to you? What you got? - Well, are not we keep him - replied Bulgarian - If something bad happen to us ...
Pretty bad things beset us and ask - when will it out and use this gun. The good thing is that we are no longer slaves, we have a republic in which by law we are free citizens. So we do not need a real loaded guns with which to shoot "bad", vans uk we reach our voices and our wills. Cut down forests, closed hospitals, stop saving medicines, stealing vans uk in any form and we pay the taxes for their theft of Europe, raise fees at universities accept spyware laws legalize GMO to fuck us all food markets and will only poisoning directly ... etc etc. And we hide this revolver in his belt, complain, complain to each other, but did not move his finger to change anything. Because we know - makes no sense. Why kick against rye, whose cap will askew? So you do with us whatever they want. Sobstevnite our politicians leeches and now world leeches in the face of Monsanto. For the meek and humble people is easy to manage.
1 Are not you lonely there was the concert? Because accidentally (I work in the region), and indeed deliberately (I followed for Monsanto) went there and noticed how many people "protesting". Maximum of about 250 people along with the performers.
2 we pay tax for their theft of Europe, vans uk raise fees at universities accept spyware laws legalize GMO to fuck us all food markets and poisoning us quite directly ... etc etc.
<- But to get to posmalish little pathos? Why do I say that? a) How does the GMO fucked our food supplies and poisoning us quite directly? vans uk b) What crammed with all sorts of chemicals negennomodifitsiran vegetable is more useful for nature and people from genetically modified sibling?
3 The majority of this particular GMO psevdoekologichno association in my personal observations and mainly consists entirely of illiterate (I mean bg-cheat) and nedouchili (I mean all other) people. As some zombies walking around and spewing slogans without thinking even for a moment to poobrazovate topic. Something more. Any attempt by a third person to educate you on the matter, is relentlessly parried. Reference - see blog of Gregory, another paid agent of Monsanto. There the man tried with words short, clear, well-intentioned and highly digestible to explain what it is and why GMOs should not be pUashim thereof, thereby giving numerous articles vans uk and publications from which one can learn and to read, but the result was condemned, and like you demonstrated a surprising degree of tsupondrene, fratskane and grumbling that they had been offered the time to read their material. Busy people you know. It so by reading how all will grow gills if mutated eat corn, where to find the person time to read and less serious material and research? A must and rallies to go, people vans uk to be bashing, pathetic nonsense to blogging ... It's complicated, I admit it.
Even though I am a paid agent of Monsanto, I'll share a secret, but please do not give me away. I'm so against corporacy, if I may say so, in today's economy. Despise monopolies, who is shown to never and nothing good has resulted. vans uk I can not have just one or two companies have the right to perform any developments vans uk in the case to try to make a plant more resistant than the other. I do not want to suddenly zaseem fields with GM corn, not until we are 100% on whether the crop is safe. But nevertheless, even the power of corporations such as Monsanto, there is one simple thing that can defeat and stopped crusade of destroying evil and bloodthirsty nature vans uk domatomeduzi.
If the normal vegetable, who currently has a proud kichnal its prefix "bio" or "organic" does not cost an arm and a leg and did not exceed unlawful price


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