Saturday, February 1, 2014

Please read the forum rules! 1. Free advertising is only allowed in the

Small request to you. If not hard to click on advertising links (opens in new window). If you are our regular, it is possible to click on advertising every day. Clicking on the links, you are contributing to the development of the project.
Please read the forum rules! 1. Free advertising is only allowed in the "Billboard". Placing advertisements can only be individuals who are not engaged in commercial activity! Make sure that you create a listing in these sections! Messages sessions having the character and created ads in other sections will be deleted without notification of the author. Messages posted on behalf of organizations or individuals engaged sessions in commercial activities in the forum are assigned only on a commercial basis or by agreement of the parties. Free advertising when you - a private person, sell your new or used / y thing in one piece. Everything else is considered commercial activities. sessions 2. When you create your ad, as briefly and clearly indicate the title of the theme that it is sold or required. It is also recommended to specify the city and the price. Example sessions of correct title: Buy a vacuum sessions cleaner BOSH. 7500 rub. 3. It is forbidden to create ads in capital sessions letters in the title, and in fact with the message. An example of wrong header: URGENT SELL CLEANER! 4. Outbound links are strictly prohibited and are punishable by immediate removal of messages and in a warning to the author. 5. Remember that a well-designed header greatly increases the effectiveness of your ad. Ads with invalid headers removed without warning. 6. Be sure to include full information about what is sold, what is the cost and contacts. sessions Ads without details and without contact sessions information removed immediately and without warning. If you get an error re-booked.
December sessions 30 at 11.30 runs a group of schoolchildren in the Theatre for Young People on New Year's show "Who Barmaleev warm." Following the presentation we stopped for an hour in the ice town on the esplanade! sessions Price only 500 rubles! Call tel 89026320475! pumba Senior Warrant Officer Posts: 95 Joined: May 2, 2011, 00:34 Location: from Nytva thank (s): 0. Thanked: 0 times. Name: pumba ICQ
cheaper to buy a bus ticket back \ back and go to the movies, go to the ice town and do not keep track of time) too much price recurve) Cau6epc Captain Posts: 518 Joined: January 9, 2011, 2:28 Location: Center Nytva (Volodarskaya) thanked (a) 11 times. Thanked: 11 times. Name: Jeka
I may have to hire an accountant? once you know how everything is so wonderful to count :) bus ticket 135 * 2 + theater ticket 250.Skolko you got?)) pumba Senior Warrant Officer Posts: 95 Joined: May 2, 2011, 00:34 Location: from Nytva thank (s): 0. Thanked: 0 times. Name: pumba ICQ
and the news said they did not have time to time with the construction of the town. but I do not approve. irisha.nytva Major Posts: 856 Images: 14 Joined: January 11, 2011, 19:04 thank (s): 23 times. Thanked: 17 times. Name: Irina
pumba wrote (a): I may have to hire an accountant? once you know how everything is so wonderful to count :) bus ticket 135 * 2 + theater sessions ticket 250.Skolko you got?)) for return tickets back 260r + theater ticket 225r (with discounts n \ r) = 485r + (and if you buy group tickets then the price has decreased) the price of such a trip 300-350r maximum! Cau6epc Captain Posts: 518 Joined: January 9, 2011, 2:28 Location: Center Nytva (Volodarskaya) thank (s): 11 times. Thanked: 11 times. Name: Jeka
said opening to the 30 th, I also heard that it is not enough time, apparently wanted to open earlier, but we hope that the 30th popadaem.Uvazhaemy Saibers, discounts for groups of any circus or theater not. Call the Theatre for Young People and find out how much is the ticket for 12/30/13 at 13.30 on the 10th row. Your aggressiveness is not clear at all! Relax, the new year also! pumba Senior Warrant Officer Posts: 95 Joined: May 2, 2011, 00:34 Location: from Nytva thank (s): 0. Thanked: 0 times. Name: pumba ICQ
pumba wrote (a): said opening to 30 mu, I also heard that it is not enough time, apparently wanted to open earlier, but we hope that the 30th popadaem.Uvazhaemy Saibers, discounts for groups of any circus or theater not. Call the Theatre sessions for Young People sessions and find out how much is the ticket for 12/30/13 at 13.30 on the 10th row. Your aggressiveness is not clear at all! Relax, the new year also! discounts O4 many sales to students 20% discount on the ticket, and children especially)
Last edited Cau6epc December 26, 2013, 23:26, edited 1 time. Cau6epc Captain Posts: 518 Joined: January 9, 2011, 2:28 Location: Center Nytva (Volodarskaya) thank (s): 11 times. Thanked: 11 times. Name: Jeka
Officially ask - give me the phone number is


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