Thursday, December 19, 2013

2013 (10) heinäkuu (1) kesäkuu (2) toukokuu (2) helmikuu (2) tammikuu nick kroll (3) 2012 (21) lokak

HELLOOO Soooo. I decided nick kroll to update!!!!! yay me!!! I should be sleeping already since we are leaving to Iisalmi tomorrow morning but oh, I rather do some cosplay plans!! Right now I'm looking forward to Cain Nightroad I love his costume and I really like his personality nick kroll and costume is difficult enough not to be done in few days... I guess I will start with the armors because I've wanted to try doing them for so long! Costume itself won't be hard to sew...but those little details and stuff. They. Are. Pain. In. The. Ass. Not to talk about all those wings....gosh. BTW, talking about the wings, we are about to do a wing tutorial! (but Imma let momo deal with that since they are her wings :D) ...back to cain. Cain will not be seen quite yet because it takes a lot of time and stuff. So I have another project!!! WEEHEEEEEEE ....oh crap. I don't have anything else coming. oh well, I'll figure out if there's any nice characters to do on short notice.. ;D Maybe I should inform about momos cosplay plans too? She's looking forward to Caterina Sforza from Trinity Blood :D I can't really tell you more about Momo's project but oh, she'll do an update for you n__n Momo also just finished nill cosplay... WHAT IS THIS Momo told me that she will have to stop cosplay for 8 months but as you see... She can't!!! nick kroll hoohohohohohohooho ok. enough spamming. nighty night -Poke PS. Sorry for my english, I'm too lazy to read this trough before publishing it..
2013 (10) heinäkuu (1) kesäkuu (2) toukokuu (2) helmikuu (2) tammikuu nick kroll (3) 2012 (21) lokakuu (1) syyskuu (1) heinäkuu (5) kesäkuu (1) toukokuu (3) huhtikuu (3) maaliskuu (3) helmikuu (1) tammikuu (3) 2011 (33) joulukuu (1) marraskuu (1) lokakuu (6) syyskuu (7) elokuu (4) WE HAVE BEEN WORKING SO HARD JUST UPDATE FOR CUPCAKE nick kroll ♫ I BELIEVE I CAN'T FLY ♪ COSPLAY PLANS AND FEATHERS heinäkuu (2) huhtikuu (2) maaliskuu (3) helmikuu (7)


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